Keynote Speakers | International Conference on Academic Studies in Science, Engineering, and Technology (ICASET)

Keynote Speakers

"Dreams and Utopia: AI Technology in Teaching and Learning"

Dr. Kati Mäkitalo
University of Oulu, Finland
Kati Mäkitalo is a professor (2018-) in the Learning and Learning Processes (LLP) research unit at the Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Oulu. In her 26 years researcher career, she has over 10 years’ experience as a professor and research leader besides in Oulu as well in the University of Eastern Finland, University of Jyväskylä and in the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. Her research interest is focusing on technology-supported teaching and learning environments, especially computer-supported collaborative and inquiry learning and recently the use of AI technology in teaching and learning at the different educational settings, from early childhood to higher education. She has been a member and is a leader in several international and national development and research projects funded by Academy of Finland, Strategic Research Council (SRC), Ministry of Education and Culture and EU (Horizon, Erasmus+ Teacher Academies). Many of these projects are carried out with schools and teachers. In Generation AI -project funded by SCR, our aim is to develop AI teaching tools, methods and learning modules suitable for pre-primary. primary and lower secondary education and promote children’s rights in AI-based systems. This six-year project is coordinated by professor Tedre from University of Eastern Finland and implemented in collaboration with the Universities of Oulu and Helsinki, and other partners (Heureka, SciFest and Code School Finland). Mäkitalo has been participating in different work and research groups, where the aim is to enhance teacher students’ and teachers’ competencies in digitalized world. Her background as early childhood educator, subject teacher and teacher educator is a driving force to explore the methods and ways we can provide the best learning opportunities for every learner. More

"Creating Conditions for Supporting the Needs of All Learners Through STEAM Education"

Dr. Christopher Dignam
Governors State University, United States

Dr. Christopher Dignam served as a K12 educator for nearly three decades as a teacher, principal, and superintendent of schools. Dr. Dignam began his career as a high school biology instructor and taught a variety of high school science content areas, including chemistry, physics, anatomy and physiology, and advanced placement (AP) biology. Dr. Dignam also served as a district area science instructional coach and provided supports to a portfolio of 24 diverse schools. Dr. Dignam later gained school leadership experience as an assistant principal, and eventually, middle school and high school Principal. Dr. Dignam soon after achieved community-wide leadership experiences as both an acting superintendent, and finally, superintendent of schools. In addition, Dr. Dignam has served as a university professor for graduate and adult studies for over fifteen years for educators pursuing Masters degree diploma and licensure as principals and Doctoral degree diploma and licensure as superintendents. Dr. Dignam joined Governors State University in January 2022 and instructs and supervises future leaders in the Principal Leadership Program and current leaders in the Interdisciplinary Leadership Program. Dr. Dignam is an accomplished guitarist and writes and records music in his home studio. He and his wife spend as much time as possible enjoying the outdoors and adjusting to their new life as empty nesters, as their twin daughters have moved away to attend college. Dr. Dignam possesses a Bachelors of Biological Science degree with a double major in education, a Masters of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction, a Masters of Arts degree in School Leadership and Principal Licensure, a Doctor of Education degree in Teacher Leadership, and a Doctor of Education Licensure in the Superintendency. Dr. Dignam was awarded the Illinois Principal of the Year by the McCormick Foundation in 2014, the Principal Achievement Award for the outstanding academic growth of students and for efforts as an exceptional educational leader in 2013 and again in 2015, and received the Department of Education’s Blue Ribbon as Principal at Lane Tech College Prep High School, which was awarded the distinction in 2012. More

"Education Without Borders: International Best Practices in Teaching and Learning"

Dr. Alicia Cotabish
University of Central Arkansas, United States

Dr. Alicia Cotabish is a Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Gifted Education at the University of Central Arkansas where she directs the Change Leadership for Equity and Inclusion Ph.D. program. She is the Past-President of the Arkansas Association of Gifted Education Administrators (AAGEA), and the recipient of the 2015 National Association for Gifted Children Early Scholar Award and 2012 Early Leader Award. She has authored, co-authored, and contributed to 100+ journal articles, book chapters, and products focused on K-20 STEM and gifted education. She has delivered numerous professional development workshops, presentations, and keynotes at local, state, national, and international venues, and serves as a National Association for Gifted Children Expert Speaker. Her recent research has focused on STEM and gifted education, and examining the effects of virtual coaching. More


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University of Bath