Keynote Speakers | International Conference on Advances in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (ICASSEH)

Keynote Speakers
Insights from the Learning Analytics Journey

Dr. Mohammad Khalil
University of Bergen, Norway
Mohammad Khalil is a senior researcher at the Centre for the Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE) at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Bergen in Norway. Khalil is a recipient of the Erasmus Mundus PhD fellowship at Graz University of Technology from Austria where he was awarded doctorate with distinction (cum laude) in engineering sciences. He pursued postdoctoral research at the department of Web Information Systems at Delft University of Technology. Currently Khalil at SLATE focuses on leveraging responsible usage of datafication to support moral practices for learning and teaching. Khalil has over 80 co-authored publications (Google Scholar h-index of 27) with elite international groups (e.g., Utrecht, Radboud, TUDelft, UNISA) and award-winning papers. He has served as a guest editor for high-impact journals of the British Journal for Educational Technology, Journal of Computers in Higher Education, Journal of Learning Analytics, and Frontiers of Psychology and Education. He is an executive member of professional organisations (e.g., Society for Learning Analytics Research) and a member of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society. Khalil is a leader of several national and international research projects that focus on learning analytics and AI in Education. More

What Do Advances in Generative AI Mean for Educational Practice and Research?

Dr. Angelica Pazurek
University of Minnesota, United States
Angelica Pazurek, Ph.D. is a Teaching Associate Professor in Learning Technologies at the University of Minnesota in the U.S. She has a 25-year history of practice in teaching and program development in higher education and has conducted research on teaching and learning with technology for over 15 years. Dr. Pazurek's scholarship generally focuses on digital literacies and the human-centered nature of learning with technology, and she uses qualitative and phenomenological research designs to explore these issues. Her current research interests include digital innovations in educational practice and research, learner engagement and connected learning in online environments, gender equity in science and technology, as well as international initiatives in open and distance learning. Dr. Pazurek has gained national and international recognition for her work bridging research and practice to support higher education leaders and faculty in learning more about digital innovations that impact higher education and in supporting students development of digital literacy and leadership skills. She has consulted and collaborated with academic programs at universities and colleges across North and South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Dr. Pazurek is also highly invested in national and international leadership in education, and she serves as the Country Director for the midwest region of the United States for the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association. She is also an associate editor for eLearn Magazine and is a member of the editorial advisory boards for the Asian Journal of Distance Education and Adult Literacy Education: The International Journal of Literacy, Language, and Numeracy. More

Future-Ready Teaching: Navigating Digital Transformation in Education

Dr. Rachelle Miller
University of Central Arkansas, United States
Dr. Rachelle Miller is an associate professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA). Her research focuses on arts integration, gifted education, culturally responsive teaching, and teacher self-efficacy. Since 2014, she has been an active member of the Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA), serving in various leadership roles, including President, Arkansas Director, Secretary, and chair and member of several board committees. Dr. Miller's extensive involvement with MSERA includes presenting research, participating in panel sessions, chairing sessions, and reviewing conference proposals. Her dedication to educational research and community service has earned her several accolades, including the UCA College of Education Research Award in 2016, MSERA James E. McLean Distinguished Paper Award in 2017, and MSERA Harry Bowman Service Award in 2023. At UCA, Dr. Miller has served as the College of Education representative on the Institutional Review Board and as a faculty senator. She is also actively involved in the Change Leadership PhD program within the College of Education, where she chairs and serves on numerous dissertation committees. Through her research, leadership, and service, Dr. Miller has significantly impacted the field of education, advocating for innovative and inclusive teaching practices. Her work continues to inspire and influence educators and researchers, making her a distinguished and respected figure in the educational community. More

Designing the Future: Design Thinking and Creativity in the Classroom

Dr. Elena Novak
Kent State University, United States
Dr. Elena Novak is an Associate Professor of Educational Technology at Kent State University. Her research focuses on the integration of emerging learning technologies and innovative pedagogical methods primarily in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and computer science (STEM+CS) education. Dr. Novak develops and evaluates educational interventions that integrate leading-edge learning technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, 3D printing and immersive 3D modeling, and video games across a range of educational settings, including teacher training, K-12, and higher education. She is particularly interested in creating technology-supported learning experiences that actively engage learners in design thinking and creativity to facilitate deep learning, interest, and engagement. In addition, she investigates how the design of digital learning environments impacts cognitive, affective, and motivational processes that enhance learning and human performance. Dr. Novak s research has been funded by federal, state, and private agencies to support K-12 STEM+CS education and teacher professional development. Her recent NSF project, Physical Science Robotics Interdisciplinary Design (PRIDe) in Computer Science Education: Broadening Participation in STEM through Cascading Peer-Mentorship focuses on designing, implementing, supporting teachers with computer science and science professional development, and evaluating a cascading peer-mentoring model that connects high school, middle, and elementary school students with a university computer science research lab. Dr. Novak s research has been recognized with several international awards sponsored by the American Educational Research Association as well as Association for Educational Communications and Technology. She has published in leading peer-reviewed international journals, such as Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behavior, The Internet & Higher Education, Educational Technology Research & Development, and British Journal of Educational Technology. More


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