ICATES 2025 - International Conference on Advances in Technology, Education and Science

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Dear Colleague,

We are delighted to invite you to the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Technology, Education and Science (ICATES), organized by the International Society for Academic Research in Science, Technology, and Education (ARSTE). The conference will take place on May 1-4, 2025, in Trabzon, Turkiye. The ICATES is an annual conference organized regularly. The ICATES 2025 is the second conference organized by ARSTE. The conference will be held in person. However, there is also the option of online/virtual participation.

Accommodation is free for all participants in a double room per person during the three nights of May 1, 2 and 3, 2025. 

Virtual participants will receive presentation certificates and their papers will appear in program, abstracts, and proceedings books as with our face-to-face conferences. Participants will receive all conference documents (Program Book, Abstract Book, Certificate of Participation, and Proceedings Book) digitally.

After peer-reviewing process, selected papers will be published in the following journals: ICATES participants can submit book chapters to the books titled "Current Academic Studies in Technology and Education", "Current Studies in Educational Disciplines", "Current Studies in Social Sciences", and "Current Studies in Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology"  published annually by ISRES Publishing. Journal and book publications are completely free for conference participants. Research articles are not accepted as book chapters. If conference participants wish to submit a book chapter, they should write about a theoretical topic in their field. After the annual book is published, they will be submitted to various databases (Scopus, web of science etc.) for indexing.

We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting event in Trabzon/Turkiye.

Best regards,
ICATES Organizing Committee

The academic initiatives supported by ARSTE Organization are indexed by some or all of the following sources.

Supported by
University of Bath
Gaziantep University